ARTICLES TAGGED WITH "Dorotea Stellmach"

Nrep acquires community property portfolio

Sweden Sweden — Nrep's community property arm, Altura, has signed an agreement with Besqab to acquire a community property portfolio at an underlying property value of a total of SEK 770 million. The deal includes three nursing homes, a preschool and tenements with a total lettable area of 15,200 square meters. The acquisition takes place via the Nordics' largest Core-plus fund Nrep Income+, which last year completed a successful third closing with approximately SEK 3.1 billion in added capital intended to take advantage of new investment opportunities.

NREP acquires EUR 420 million Swedish care home portfolio

Sweden Sweden — NREP has announced that its NREP NSF V Fund has completed the acquisition of a portfolio of 22 properties for approximately EUR 420 million across Sweden, for management by its social infrastructure platform Altura. The portfolio was acquired from Vectura and is comprised of 20 care homes and two pre-schools, and the deal represents Sweden’s largest ever transaction in this asset class.