NCC gets renewed deal for fire-ravaged water park: "Gratifying step forward"

Sweden Sweden — Five months have passed since the amusement park Liseberg's upcoming water park Oceana in Gothenburg went up in flames. The fire claimed one life and the devastation was great. Niklas Sparw, business area manager, now explains how important it was for NCC to regain the confidence to complete Oceana.

Fire-ravaged water park can be inaugurated in 2026 – NCC receives new confidence

Sweden Sweden — At an extra board meeting on July 17, Liseberg's board decided that the water park Oceana in Gothenburg should be rebuilt. Oceana, which suffered extensive damage in a fire in February this year, has been cleared and cleaned during the last quarter. With the board's decision made, a reconstruction is now possible, but the road to a finished project is not straight, and some issues remain to be investigated. NCC, which was in charge of the contract when the fire broke out, is given renewed confidence to rebuild Oceana.

After the Oceana fire – Liseberg in need of major capital injection

Sweden Sweden — As a direct consequence of the devastating fire in the aquatic park Oceana, a capital shortage has arisen in one of Liseberg's subsidiaries, and while waiting for the payment of the insurance compensation, an "accounting technical solution" is now required, which must be handled urgently. At the same time, the ongoing investigation shows that the damage to Oceana is less than first feared. Nordic Property News reveals more on the matter.