During the last few months, the amusement park Liseberg, on behalf of the company's board, has produced decision documents as the basis for a formal decision regarding Oceana's future.

“We feel today that we have sufficient knowledge to be able to make a decision about rebuilding Oceana, as well as about phase 1 of the completion. Based on the scenarios Liseberg has developed, there is really no alternative to a reconstruction. This applies both to Liseberg as a business, and Gothenburg as a visitor destination,” says Kurt Eliasson, chairman of the board at Liseberg.


It has been established in the company's investigations that it is more economical to complete Oceana than to demolish and start over with an alternative project. A complete overhaul would mean write-downs of large values and is also not justifiable from a sustainability perspective.


The starting point is that Oceana will be rebuilt according to the same main principles as in the original project, but some changes will take place. For example, Liseberg will change technology regarding the larger water attractions. Furthermore, even though it is currently not possible to identify any deficiencies in Oceana's fire protection, certain changes may be necessary here as well, especially during the construction period.


Various investigations into the cause of the fire are still ongoing. The investigations by the police and the Accident Commission are currently expected to be presented in the spring of 2025. Until the cause of the fire is finally determined and clarity is reached in the conditions for compensation, the project needs bridge financing.

“We have good hopes of being able to cover the costs of rebuilding Oceana, but the process is complex and long, perhaps several years. A protracted process can risk the future of the project, and with a high probability make it significantly more expensive. Furthermore, the large residual values ​​in the project must be protected,” says Kurt Eliasson.


With the formal decision made it is an important step forward in the reconstruction of Oceana and the water world is tentatively estimated to be completed in 2026.


Phase 1

Includes design, planning and necessary agreements for the delivery of certain time-critical project elements are financed through reprioritization of Liseberg's investments, existing cash flow and borrowing.


Phase 2

Covers larger parts of the production, may possibly require bridging financing from the owner Göteborg Stadshus AB, which is why the matter will be referred to the Municipal Council.


It is also clear that the contract goes to NCC, with whom Liseberg has signed a cooperation agreement for a reconstruction. In a first step, the parties must plan and project together for a reconstruction.

“NCC and Liseberg have had a close dialogue since the fire and this is an important step to move forward towards completing the project that we have jointly started. There will now be a number of months in which we will plan and project together for a reconstruction of Oceana,” says Niklas Sparw, business area manager Building Sweden.

“With an agreement between NCC and Liseberg in place, we are moving together towards the rebuilding of Oceana. The water park is tentatively estimated to be completed in 2026, something we are very much looking forward to,” says Andreas Andersen, CEO Liseberg.


The agreement is an additional agreement to the parties' existing agreement and divided into two phases that NCC and Liseberg carry out in collaboration. The first phase begins immediately and includes design and planning as well as any preparatory work on the construction site required for the reconstruction. The second phase includes detailed design and construction and starts when Liseberg calls off phase 2. Order registration takes place at call off.


Since March this year, NCC has carried out demolition work and clean-up, as well as work to minimize damage to Oceana's intact parts. This work also continues during the summer.