Akademiska Hus Makes Large Investment in Albano Campus

Sweden Sweden — Akademiska Hus is investing SEK 3 billion (€323M) in the continued development of the Albano campus. The area will become a scientific hub connecting the university capital of Stockholm, forming a sustainable campus with education environments for more than 15,000 students and researchers. Approximately 1,000 student housing units and premises for commercial services will also be built here.

Land and Environment Court Says Yes to Local Plan for Albano area

Sweden Sweden — The Land and Environment Court of Appeal (Mark- och miljööverdomstolen) approved in a judgment the new local plan for the planned Albano university campus in Stockholm. The verdict cannot be overruled and Akademiska Hus plans the construction start to 2016. A 13 year long planning process for the area, which is calculated to encompass 100,000 sqm university facilities and 1,000 student and researcher residences (50,000 sqm), is hereby completed.