ARTICLES TAGGED WITH "Sverker Källgården"

Sverker Källgården appointed new CEO of Nivika: "A perfect fit"

Sweden Sweden — Sverker Källgården is back in the limelight as he is announced as new CEO of Nivika. Sverker Källgården tells Nordic Property News why he sees the company as a perfect match for himself, how Nivika will move forward with him as CEO, about having the founder and former CEO Niclas Bergman remain in an operational role in the company and why he thinks the company is well equipped to grow in the current market climate.

Källgården's new reality after Cibus – brings life to an old company

Sweden Sweden — Sverker Källgården has now handed over the baton to Christian Fredrixon as the new CEO of Cibus. For his own part, work in the new company Källgården & Co is now on the menu. He tells Nordic Property News more about his own company, the ambitions for the future and his view of the real estate industry's conditions in 2024.

Cibus increases the result in Källgården's last report

Nordic — On Tuesday, Cibus presented its interim report for the third quarter of 2023. The company was able to show an increased profit from property management during the third quarter, compared to the same period the year before. Leaving CEO Sverker Källgårdens submits his last interim report in a positive spirit: "I have a bright view of Cibu's future."

Patrick Gylling comments the CEO change at Cibus: "The financial carries a lot of weight"

Nordic — Sverker Källgården leaves Cibus as CEO after four years. Cibus' chairman of the board, Patrick Gylling, explains why the decision is coming now and what they are looking for in a future CEO.

Sverker Källgården on his time with and exit from Cibus

Nordic — Cibus is making a change at the very top. Sverker Källgården is stepping down as CEO and a successor is to be recruited. After the announcement, Sverker Källgården tells Nordic Property News about his feelings about leaving the company, how he views his time as CEO and how he views Cibus' status today, as well as his thoughts on his own future.

Cibus Acquires a Grocery Store

Denmark Denmark — Cibus has closed the acquisition of a grocery store in Denmark for EUR 2.3m. The property is acquired from a Danish private investor.

Iiris Eestilä New CIO Finland at Cibus

Finland Finland — Cibus Nordic Real Estate continues to develop its organisation by hiring Iiris Eestilä as CIO Finland, responsible for the Finnish operations.

"We Want to Be the Market-leader in All Markets We Enter"

Nordic — Cibus has entered its fourth Nordic market through the major acquisition of EUR 280M portfolio in Denmark. CEO Sverker Källgården tells Nordic Property News about the ambitions in the Danish market, where they will look for acquisitions in the future, the strength of being in four Nordic countries, the competitive situation and the growing interest in grocery properties and about the opportunities for expansion outside the Nordic region.

Cibus Enters Denmark with Major Portfolio Acquistion

Denmark Denmark — Cibus Nordic Real Estate is on the verge of completing its first acquisition in Denmark with its intention to acquire a property portfolio consisting of 34 properties, with a property value of approximately DKK 2,080 million, approximately EUR 280 million.

Cibus on the Verge of Entering Denmark

Denmark Denmark — After the Norwegian entry: CEO Sverker Källgården on what makes Denmark an interesting market. “Monitored at the moment.”

Cibus Buys Norwegian Portfolio

Norway Norway — Cibus Nordic Real Estate AB has signed the acquisitions of a portfolio of six properties in southern Norway for EUR 15.8 million. The transactions are targeted to close on January 12, 2022.

Cibus Makes Acquisition on the Swedish-Norwegian Border: "Positive View of the Area"

Nordic — Cibus completes an acquisition right on the Swedish-Norwegian border. CEO Sverker Källgården tells Nordic Property News about the acquisition, the company's view of border trade and whether more border trade focused acquisitions are conceivable.

After the Norwegian Acquisition: Cibus Ready for a Danish Entry

Nordic — The property investor Cibus Nordic Real Estate, with the focus on daily goods store chains, is present in Finland, Sweden, and Norway. CEO Sverker Källgården on the possibilities of entering Denmark – and Iceland.

Cibus Enters Norway: "We Want to Grow Significantly Bigger”

Nordic — Cibus Nordic continues its Nordic expansion and enters the Norwegian market. After the inaugural acquisition, CEO Sverker Källgården tells Nordic Property News about the Norwegian expansion plans, how they worked during travel restricitions and about the opportunities for entry into the Danish market.

Cibus to Be Included in the EPRA Index

Sweden Sweden — As of September 20, 2021, Cibus Nordic Real Estate AB's share will be included in the EPRA index, which is a leading global index for listed real estate investments.

Why Cibus Can Grow Faster in Finland than Sweden

Nordic — Sverker Källgården, CEO of Cibus Nordic Real Estate, on the Q2 figures, the Nordic growth plans, and the competition on the Swedish market.

After the Major Purchase – Here Are Cibus' Growth Plans

Nordic — Cibus continues to make large portfolio acquisitions. After buying 72 properties in Finland from Sagax, CEO Sverker Källgården tells Nordic Property News about the growth strategy, getting a new large owner in the company, the plans for the second half of 2021 and about expansion opportunities to Norway and Denmark.

Main Reasons Behind Cibus’ List Change

Sweden Sweden — CEO Sverker Källgården: “We will be in the top when it comes to dividend yield.”

Cibus Acquires Finnish Portfolio

Finland Finland — Cibus Nordic Real Estate has today signed the acquisition of a real estate portfolio of three assets in Finland for EUR 25.5 million. The transaction is targeted to close on May 17.

Many Deals in Pipeline for Cibus: “We Are Ready”

Nordic — Cibus Nordic Real Estate’s CEO Sverker Källgården on how the e-commerce competition can be handled, a possible Norway and Denmark entrance, and future investments.

Cibus Buys Swedish Properties

Sweden Sweden — Cibus Nordic Real Estate has signed acquisitions of three properties for SEK 34.5m. Two of the properties are signed and closed, and Cibus will accede the last one after the installation of a new ventilation system.

Obstacles for Further Growth in the Nordics for Cibus

Nordic — Cibus Nordic Real Estate owns assets in Finland and Sweden. Sverker Källgården, CEO, on why possible entrances in Denmark and Norway are delayed.

Cibus Acquires Property Portfolio for EUR 102 Million

Finland Finland — Cibus Nordic Real Estate has today the acquisition of a real estate portfolio of 7 assets in Finland for EUR 102 million. The transaction is targeted to close on December 17, 2020.

How Cibus Will Continue the Nordic Growth

Nordic — CEO Sverker Källgården: “We will become the Nordic leader in this segment.”

Cibus Makes New Acquisition and Announces Strong Pipeline

Finland Finland — Cibus has signed the acquisition of a newly constructed retail property in Kalajoki for EUR 12.4 million. In addition to the transaction Cibus has a strong pipeline of potential acquisitions amounting to approximately EUR 120 million, which to a large extent concerns one potential acquisition in Finland.