RM Estate has recruited experts with long experience and extensive business network in the travel and tourism industry. The expansion of services will help serve that industry with a more tailored approach and with the best skills and market knowledge available.

“We will work with the entire Nordic market. We already have many requests from customers in the private and public sectors”, says Jan Lundin, CEO of RM Estate Sweden AB.

The travel and tourism industry has more than doubled since the beginning of the decade and the growth is still very strong. Nordic countries, and Sweden in particular, has led the growth league in Europe. We travel like never before and the demand for accommodation and new exciting destinations is growing exponentially.

“There is an increased need from the property owners and destinations to meet both the growing and increasingly diversified demand. You have to have the right product for the right audience. There are great opportunities which require great knowledge of the sector's future development in order to succeed”, says Bjorn Arvidsson, Head of Analysis, Hospitality and Tourism.

The new services will be available throughout the Nordic market and will, among other things, include: market and feasibility analysis, destination project development, acquisition and disposition, fund raising. The recent appointment at RM Estate of Jan Lundin as CEO and Bjorn Arvidsson as Head of Analysis, both experts in the travel and tourism industry, has created the ideal condition for RM Estate to start this new business area.