
ARTICLES TAGGED WITH "Catarina Molén-Runnäs"

NCC gets major renovation assignment in Aarhus

Denmark Denmark — NCC has been commissioned by Brabrand Boligforening to fully refurbish five residential blocks in the Gellerup district in Aarhus, Denmark. The order value is approximately SEK 1 billion.

How NCC is constructing buildings with high safety levels

Norway Norway — Catarina Molén-Runnäs, Head of NCC Building Nordics, on the major order in Bærum, the work along with the authorities, and why NCC will succeed in a complex process.

NCC secures major order in Bærum

Norway Norway — NCC will build a new hospital building for psychiatry in Bærum municipality. The project is commissioned by the South-Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority, Helse Sør-Øst. The order value is approximately SEK 1 billion.

NCC to Construct 440 Residential Units near Copenhagen

Denmark Denmark — NCC has been commissioned by a joint venture between Catella, Nordkranen and DWS to construct approximately 440 rental units in Herlev near Copenhagen. The order value of the construction contract is approximately SEK 840 million. The units will be constructed on land where NCC previously conducted asphalt operations.

NCC to Construct 526 Apartments for NREP in Turku

Finland Finland — NCC has been commissioned by NREP to construct 526 rental apartments in Turku. The housing units will be distributed across five buildings and will mark the start of a new residential area in the city.

Major Nordic Projects Ahead for NCC

Nordic — Catarina Molén-Runnäs, Head of NCC Building Nordics, tells Nordic Property News on the prestigious North Zealand Hospital assignment in Denmark, how the pandemic has affected the Nordic construction markets, and the Nordic pipeline for the construction giant.

NCC Signs Agreement for the New North Zealand Hospital

Denmark Denmark — NCC and the Capital Region of Denmark have signed a further agreement for the New North Zealand Hospital project. This contract pertains to the interior of the hospital and the order value is approximately SEK 940 million.

NCC to Construct New Office Building for KLP Eiendom

Norway Norway — NCC is to construct the Teknostallen office building of more than 46,000 square meters in central Trondheim on behalf of KLP Eiendom AS. The assignment is scheduled to be completed in 2025 and the order value amounts nearly SEK 900 million.

NCC to Continue Construction of Oulu University Hospital

Finland Finland — NCC has been commissioned to continue construction of Oulu University Hospital in Finland with the assignment to construct building F. This is part of the second phase of the hospital’s development program and the order value is approximately SEK 1.3 billion.

NCC to Build the Office Building Valle Vision for Union Eiendomskapital

Norway Norway — NCC has signed an agreement with Union Eiendomskapital, through the UREF II Holding fund, to build Valle Vision in Oslo. The office building will comprise 23,500 square meters and is the third phase of the Valle area of Oslo. The order value is approximately SEK 460 million.

NCC's Challenges on the Nordic Construction Market

Nordic — New Business Area Manager Catarina Molén-Runnäs: “Delivering profitable projects on time is important.”

NCC Hires New Business Area Manager for Building Nordics

Nordic — Catarina Molén-Runnäs will become new Business Area Manager of NCC Building Nordics. She will join NCC no later than February 1, 2020 to replace Klaus Kaae.