SBB now owns MSEK 1,435 of the Company’s senior unsecured bond of MSEK 1,500 maturing on 6 April 2020. Furthermore, SBB has bought back MSEK 750.4 of Hemfosa’s senior unsecured bond of MSEK 1,000 maturing on 1 September 2020. In addition, SBB owns MSEK 711 of the Company’s senior unsecured bond of MSEK 750 maturing on 29 January 2021 and has bought back MSEK 466 of the Company’s senior unsecured bond of MSEK 474 maturing on 17 May 2021. SBB has thus bought back MSEK 3,362.4 of the total issued amount of MSEK 3,724m. SBB have no other outstanding senior unsecured bonds maturing during the next 12 months.

“We have strong liquidity, backed by safe cash flows, and have continued to repurchase bonds in order to continue lowering SBBs long-term financial costs. Our clear focus is to achieve a BBB + rating and these buy backs of bonds with shorter maturities are part of this", comments Ilija Batljan, CEO and Founder of Samhällsbyggnadsbolaget