Veidekke to Build New School in Trelleborg

Sweden Sweden — Veidekke has been commissioned by Hemsö to build the new Köpingeskolan in Trelleborg.

Challenges in the Community Service Property Segment

Nordic — Nils Styf, CEO of Hemsö: ”We are not affected by the global economy.”

Benefits for Hemsö in Finland During Challenging Times

Finland Finland — Jarkko Leinonen, Head of Finland at Hemsö: “We are open for business.”

Hemsö to Develop New Elementary School in Central Helsinki

Finland Finland — Hemsö is developing a new elementary school for 700 pupils at the Arkadia 24 property in central Helsinki, Finland. The property will undergo extensive refurbishment and a 15-year rental agreement has been signed with the City of Helsinki. The Arkadia 28 property was acquired before the summer, and the Hanken School of Economics is relocating to the property.

Hemsö Develops New School in Joensuu

Finland Finland — Hemsö is developing a new school of music in Finland, the Joensuu Conservatory. A 20-year rental agreement has been signed with the City of Joensuu. The investment amount is approximately SEK 140 million.

Hemsö’s Investment Strategy During the Crisis

Finland Finland — Jarkko Leinonen, Head of Finland at Hemsö, on the latest deals, which segments they want to grow and how to act on the transaction market when the Helsinki region is closed for visitors.

Hemsö Acquires Educational Properties

Finland Finland — Hemsö is acquiring an upper secondary school in Jyväskylä and a university building in Helsinki. Hemsö is also strengthening its position in Turku by acquiring shares in Turku Technology Properties Oy. The total investment corresponds to approximately SEK 250M.

Hemsö Acquires Justice System Property in Germany

Sweden Sweden — Hemsö is expanding its property portfolio in Germany with the acquisition of an educational property for the justice system in Wiesbaden. The investment amount is approximately SEK 700 million and a 15-year rental agreement has been signed with the German state.

“The Property Does Not Meet Our Requirements”

Sweden Sweden — Hemsö’s CEO Nils Styf on the reasons for the sale of the Princeton property to KLP and upcoming divestments from the portfolio.

KLP Eiendom in a SEK 2.6 Billion Deal with Hemsö

Sweden Sweden — Through one of its Swedish subsidiaries, KLP Eiendom has entered into an agreement with Sveanor JV and Hemsö Life Holding AB on the acquisition of the Princeton 1 property in Hagastaden in Stockholm.

Hemsö: "A Huge Need for Investments"

Finland Finland — Hemsö's Head of Finland Jarkko Leinonen tells Nordic Property News whether Hemsö is affected by the rejected health care reform and new investment opportunities in the community service property segment.

Hemsö to Develop Two Fire Stations in Finland

Finland Finland — Following a public procurement procedure, Hemsö and the City of Oulu have signed a lease for the construction of two new fire stations in Oulu.

Here Are the Major Challenges for Community Service Properties to Grow

Sweden Sweden — Three real estate profiles on the massive need for investment in community service properties, the municipalities' unwillingness to sell their assets and the largest risks to the investors.

Hemsö Borrows with First Schuldschein Loan

Sweden Sweden — Hemsö is continuing to diversify the company’s financing and has entered into a new, bilateral EUR 75 million Schuldschein loan, a Namensschuldverschreibung (NSV, a German law registered bond).

Why Hemsö Has Focused Their Investments to Finland

Nordic — Hemsö's CEO Nils Styf tells Nordic Property News about the background to the latest divestment to SBB and his view on how the real estate markets in Finland, Sweden and Germany differ.

"There Is an Investment Need That You Should Do Something With"

Finland Finland — Recently, Hemsö invested EUR 130 million in healthcare properties in Turku. Head of Finland, Jarkko Leinonen, tells Nordic Property News what is happening with the healthcare properties when the Finnish government has resigned due to a social reform.

Hemsö Invests in Turku Technology Properties

Finland Finland — Hemsö is acquiring a property portfolio with eight nursing home and health care properties in Turku, Finland, as agreed in a previously announced letter of intent. Hemsö will simultaneously invest and acquire a 34.8-per cent stake in Turku Technology Properties (TTP).

"Finns See More Risks than Opportunities"

Finland Finland — Hemsö has gone on a real spending spree in Finland in recent months – purchasing a portfolio in Turku and the Helsinki Court House for a total of EUR 380M. Head of Finland Jarkko Leinonen tells Nordic Property News of the attraction of Turku, why he prefers to work for a Swedish company and what Hemsö is looking for now.

Hemsö Invests in the Gothenburg Region

Sweden Sweden — Hemsö has acquired a school in Kungälv and a retirement home in Mölndal.

Hemsö Owners Provide SEK 1 billion in Equity

Nordic — Hemsö increased its equity in January 2019 by SEK 1 billion through shareholder contributions from the company’s owners, the Third Swedish National Pension Fund (AP 3) and AB Sagax. Participating interests in Hemsö were not impacted by the new capital.

Hemsö Purchases in Trelleborg

Sweden Sweden — Hemsö acquires half a block in central Trelleborg consisting of three existing properties of 5,900 sqm and building rights of 15,000 sqm.

Hemsö Acquires the Helsinki Court House

Finland Finland — Hemsö is acquiring the Helsinki Court House for approximately EUR 200 million. The largest tenant is the Finnish state.

"Investors Focus Too Much on Helsinki"

Finland Finland — Hemsö invests EUR 130 million in Turku. The company’s Head of Asset Management Finland, Jarkko Leinonen, tells Nordic Property News about the investment, the strengths of Turku and the benefits of expanding outside of Helsinki.

Hemsö in Transaction with the City of Turku

Finland Finland — Hemsö and the City of Turku are preparing a transaction whereby Hemsö will acquire a property portfolio comprised of eight nursing homes and health care properties from the City of Turku in Finland. The acquisition cost amounts to EUR 130M.

Hemsö Acquires Two Nursing Homes in Turku

Finland Finland — Hemsö is acquiring two nursing homes that are under construction in the Turku region of Finland. A 12-year lease agreement has been signed with the care company Esperi Care Oy for both of the nursing homes. The investment amount is MSEK 125 (EUR 12M).