The most important conclusions of the latest report:

# The office vacancy rate is down to 5,6 percent (5,8 in the Q1 report). It is expected to rise to 5,9 percent in 2020 and 6,3 in 2021.

# The rents for offices of high standard in central Oslo rose by 8,5 percent in 2018 and they are expected to rise by 6,8 percent this year. Rents are expected to increase until 2022, but at a slower pace.

# For Helsfyr and Lysaker, the rents are expected to rise with 4 percent this year and 2–3 percent per year until 2022.

# The transaction volume in Norway is expected to be slightly lower 2019 than last year, the prediction is NOK 83 million 2019, down from NOK 90 million in 2018.

# The prime yield for 2019 is 3,7 percent and is expected to rise to 3,8 percent in 2020 and 4 percent in 2021.