Mikael Söderlundh expects the high transaction activity to continue. Despite the all-time high levels, published today.

Mikael Söderlundh expects the high transaction activity to continue. Despite the all-time high levels, published today.

Image: Istock/Pangea

Transaction Volume at All-Time High in the Nordics: ”Larger Deals than Ever Before”

Nordic — Plus article The Nordic property markets set a new groundbreaking record with a transaction volume of more than EUR 71 billion in 2021, which is 65 percent higher than last year and by far the highest volume ever recorded for a single year in the Nordics. Both volumes and number of deals have increased in all Nordic countries, according to new figures from property advisor Pangea Property Partners. Mikael Söderlundh, Head of Research & Partner at Pangea Property Partners, tells Nordic Property News about the crazy transaction year of 2021.