"Now there isn't much left. Soon I can go on vacation. In a way, the whole thing is sad, in the end only the parent company and some subsidiaries without operations will remain." So said CEO Richard Bagge in the press release that Oscar Properties issued last week, where it was confirmed that three more subsidiaries had been declared bankrupt.

Tuesday this week, it became clear that another subsidiary will meet the same fate. Oscar Properties' liquidator has now put the property-owning subsidiary Alpfast into bankruptcy. Alpfast owns the property Nacka Sicklaön 88:1. This is stated in a press release.


At the turn of the last year, the Oscar Properties group consisted of 57 properties and approximately 180 subsidiaries, but now only about 15 properties remain.


Richard Bagge told Nordic Property News last week that he cannot rule out more liquidations of subsidiaries if it is the case that they cannot sell all the properties. When asked how many of the remaining properties they can think of selling, he replies "maybe all of them".


The company's work to reconstruct the parent company and sell the remaining properties, including the wholly owned property group HL18 Property Portfolio Holding, continues as before.