The sellers are four Finnish charities and societies: Alfred Kordelinin Yleinen Edistys- ja Sivistysrahasto, Niilo Helanderin Säätiö, Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura Ry and Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia Ry.

The property is located at Unioninkatu 30 and is currently fully let to SEB bank. The tenant has informed to move to other premises in 2017 which will call for letting and development action in the near future.

The building was erected in the early twentieth century. It is designed by architect Herman Geselius. The building is known for its versatile history, inter alia distinguished carpet merchant Salomo Wuorio was one of the users in the building.

Newsec acted as sellers’ commercial advisor and Hannes Snellman as legal advisor.