Novi recently won the management assignment for SEB Trygg Liv’s Swedish portfolio of 505,000 sqm with a rental value of approximately SEK 1,3 billion and  a property value of approximately SEK 23,6 billion. Gullringsbo Egendomar is the main owner of the new company. Gullringsbo owns Svenska Hus and the building company MVB among others, and is Sweden’s largest non-listed or institutionally owned construction and real estate company.
“Grandab is the other owner and shares have been allocated to future key individuals in the company as well” says Novi’s CEO Mikael Hasselberg.
You start the SEB Trygg Liv project on April 1st, is the organization in place?
“It will be more or less finished on April 1st. We have already recruited multiple key people and other employees and the recruitment of the rest is ongoing. It is looking really good. I cannot currently comment on who will have the key positions and become partners in the company, we will present them further down the road.
You are Novi’s CEO and partner in Grandab since before, what does Grandab’s roll in the company look like?
“It is included in Grandab’s business idea to also develop companies. Beside active board work Grandab will work on management and also develop the company and its services.
Where does the name Novi come from?
When we started the name discussion we had some key words to work with, which were entrepreneurship, will, courage and development. Novi is Latin for new, and that is fitting for us. We want to be innovative. The logo also stands for innovation – it includes the Novi letters and it symbolizes that we don’t always take the given path and might stray from it when needed. Novi Real Estate will have its headquarters in Stockholm and a local office in Gothenburg.
Gullringsbo’s CEO Sture Kullman will be the Chairman of the Board in the new company.
“Gullringsbo has chosen to get involved in Novi Real Estate because we see the other partners are entrepreneurial, something that fits into our company culture. Novi Real Estate has the ambition to widen the ownership, where key people that are active within the company will be offered partnership. This is something we believe is a significant success factor. Together we have the ambition to make the company one of the leading in the country on the external management market” says Sture Kullman.