M2 is now increasing its ownership in Logistea. This takes place through an acquisition of approximately 4.35 million A shares and approximately 43.6 million B shares. The total value of the share purchase is SEK 767 million. After the transaction, M2's share of ownership amounts to roughly 22 percent of the capital and just under 25 percent of the votes. The deal makes M2 Logistea's largest owner both in terms of capital and votes. The holding in Logistea will after this be reported as an associated company in the group.

"M2 has been an owner in Logistea since the beginning, when the company was recast and the company's successful real estate journey began. The holding has long been recognized as a long-term strategic holding, a view that is strengthened after this. This deal also expresses M2's confidence in both the properties and current management," says Jakob Mörndal, CEO of M2.


After M2 consolidated its operations for some time, divested properties and repaid debt, it is particularly pleasing to be able to complete a major deal that by a margin makes Logistea M2's second largest single holding, after Corem.

"This investment, as well as the fact that M2 as recently as July chose to subscribe for SEK 250 million in the targeted issue Corem carried out, shows M2's ambition to continue to be an active investor in real estate companies, even if the directly owned real estate portfolio has been reduced significantly," says Jakob Mörndal.