"On behalf of the company, I would like to thank Patrik Melin for his dedication and valuable contributions during his time at Doxa, where he has, among other things, contributed to the company's development journey. I wish him the best of luck in his continued career," says acting CEO Kaj Grönvall, who himself stepped in when Victor Persson left as CEO just a few weeks ago.


Christian Lindgren has extensive experience from leading roles in finance and business management, with previous positions at, among others, Sparbanken Syd, HSB Malmö and Active Capital AB. Christian Lindgren is today CEO of Agartha AB, Doxa's largest owner, but will be on leave from Agartha to be able to focus on his new assignment at Doxa.


Christian Lindgren immediately assumes the role of acting CFO and Patrik Melin will be available for the company's management during a transition period. In parallel, the recruitment of a permanent CFO is initiated.