Päronet 1 is located in Stora Ursvik in Sundbyberg and consists of a rational warehouse building with associated office premises. Total lettable area is approximately 4,350 square meters and tenants in the property are Senab AB and SMB Städgross AB.


Forellen 1 is located in Bergshamra in Solna and consists of a telecommunications station with associated storage and garage. Total lettable area is approximately 1,450 square meters and the largest tenant is Telia AB.


Access to the properties is planned for 1 November 2024.

"Through these acquisitions, Flexfast has taken the step into the Stockholm market, a region where we see great growth potential. The current properties are in line with the company's long-term strategy to acquire and develop warehouse and industrial properties close to the city with low residual value risk. We look forward to growing The Stockholm market and these acquisitions are an important step in our expansion plan," says Gustaf Segerborg, CEO of Flexfast.