"There is never a perfect time to leave something you hold dear, but the decision has grown over time and I feel that the place Heimstaden is today and where it is going, makes sense for me to give thanks. Heimstaden is well equipped for the future and it's been a fantastic journey and I'm extremely proud of what I've achieved. It's been a privilege to work with so many passionate and wonderful colleagues. Now I'm looking forward to new challenges," says Maria Petersson.

"It is difficult to put into words how much Maria has meant to the Swedish business. She has been decisive for the company's positive development and I am extremely grateful for the work she has put in and the cooperation we have had. I wish her the best of luck in the future and at the same time welcome Mattis in his new role. He has impressed in the role of Head of Operations & Asset Management and we feel confident in choosing him as the new country manager," says Helge Krogsbøl, co-CEO of Heimstaden Bostad.