Heimstaden Bostad has been present in Strängnäs since 2018 and currently owns 450 apartments in the area. Strängnäs attractive geographical location and population growth are the reasons behind the expansion and acquisition from Framfastgruppen AB. Derome and Fagerheim Dalarna will act as general contractors for the project.

The 149 apartments and 126 parking spaces included in the project, are situated in two different locations in the Strängnäs municipality. Flädern 4 and Misteln 3 are beautifully located on Tosterön, about two kilometres north of Strängnäs town centre with closeness to nature and the sea - an attractive area, expected to continue to develop and grow with a varied housing stock. The other half of the project portfolio, Castor 1 and Sirius 1, is located about two kilometres south of the town centre in the Finningerondellen area.

“We are very pleased to be able to expand our existing portfolio in Strängnäs with these projects. Strängnäs is a municipality with potential and we look forward to developing new homes for people to live and thrive in,” says Tom Rasmussen, Senior Investment Manager, Heimstaden.