Today, Hitachi Energy's employees are spread over three areas in Västerås, Tegnér, Östermalm and Finnslätten. The letter of intent means that the companies will jointly investigate the conditions for gathering all Hitachi Energy's employees in a newly produced building on Finnslätten.

During the preliminary work and investigation stage, Hitachi Energy's vision for its new office is a guiding light – Uniting people in a sustainable workplace for all.

"We are happy to start talks with Castellum as a partner to create a successful workplace with office and production space as well as a research center in an attractive location. By gathering all the skills in Västerås into a common workplace, we can strengthen our culture and innovativeness while maintaining a modern and sustainable property, says Tobias Hansson, CEO of Hitachi Energy in Sweden.

The goal is for the parties to investigate and agree a lease agreement for the new production in 2024.

"We are happy and proud to be able to offer really good office, production and research premises for Hitachi Energy's operations. Together with Hitachi Energy, we will be able to create both functional and sustainable premises for their operations, which at the same time attract and inspire their employees. The most important thing for us is that Hitachi Energy's employees feel comfortable with us," says Mats Eriksson, CEO of Castellum, Region Mälardalen.

The ambition is for the premises, when the market conditions are right, to be built centrally on Finnslätten, on an area between Lugna gatan and Effektgatan.