In the comment, which was published on Tuesday afternoon and signed by CEO Helge Krogsbøl and Deputy CEO Christian Fladeland, the company writes, among other things, that it has SEK 27 billion in cash and available credit facilities, as well as over SEK 50 billion in new bank financing since last year. This exceeds the bond maturities over the next 18 months, which amount to SEK 24 billion. The company claims to have full control over all maturities until the third quarter of 2025.


As regards disposals of assets, the company has initiated the sale of some in order to defend the credit rating and not because it needs new capital.


“We've already initiated divestments of individual units in multiple markets, securing premiums above book value. These actions are solely aimed at preserving our desired rating and are unrelated to any capital requirement for upcoming maturities, which currently does not exist,” writes Heimstaden Bostad.


The Swedish daily Dagens Industri has previously written that the assessment on the stock market is that the company will need at least SEK 30 billion to meet the key figures for its credit rating.


The largest owners in Heimstaden Bostad are Heimstaden AB and Alecta with 76 percent of the shares and just over 80 percent of the votes.