She has a technical background with a focus on property management from KTH and has more than 20 years of experience in leasing, customer responsibility, property development and leadership. She started at Vasakronan in 2007 as Property Manager and since 2013 has had a role as a property developer with responsibility for the development of, among other things, Sergelgatan and the Nya Kronan quarter in Sundbyberg.

"The interest in this role has been great both externally and internally and I am happy that Susan has accepted. She has the experience and the abilities needed to continue driving the business and the development of our lines and areas in Stockholm city further on a good way," says Anna Nordin, Manager Stockholm.


Vasakronan's property portfolio in Stockholm corresponds to a total market value of approximately SEK 126 billion and consists of four business areas, City, North, South and East. The City business area includes properties equivalent to approximately SEK 54 billion.


Susan Strömbäck succeeds Martin Sandgärde, who announced earlier this year that he intended to leave the company for a role at Nrep.