Rental income amounted to EUR 275 million (254), an increase of 8.3 percent compared to the previous year.


Net operating income amounted to EUR 205 million (190), an increase of 8.2 percent compared to the previous year.


The management result amounted to EUR 139 million (143), a decrease of 2.7 percent compared to the previous year.


Unrealized value changes in properties amounted to EUR -21 million (-228). Total value changes in derivatives amounted to EUR 2 million (24).


The profit before tax was EUR 93million.


The profit after tax was EUR 77 million.


To increase the management result per share over time is our single most important goal from a financial point of view, writes Erik Selin.

"The reduction in the management result is due to increased interest costs. Our rental income and net operating income are roughly eight percent better and the demand for housing and premises remains stable in our various submarkets," says CEO Erik Selin in a comment.