For the eleventh time in a row, the Young Real Estate Woman of the Year was named during the Fastighetskvinnan (the Real Estate Woman) seminar, that is arranged by Fastighetssverige, Nordic Property News and Lokalnytt. The winner in 2024 was Amanda Tevell, CEO of Hifab Advisory and deputy CEO of Hifab Group.


She won the award in tough competition with finalists Matilda Olsson, CFO at SLP, and Lovisa Sörensson, Head of Transactions at Sveafastigheter.


The Young Real Estate Woman of the Year was selected by a renowned jury consisting of Kristina Alvendal (chair), Johanna Skogestig, CEO of Vasakronan, and Biljana Pehrsson, CEO of Jernhusen:

"The Young Swedish Woman in Real Estate of the Year has a will of steel. Clear and focused with an enthusiasm that is contagious. When she receives an assignment, she turns minuses into pluses and ensures that the business grows by connecting others to her and creating added value.


The Young Swedish Woman in Real Estate of the Year has an eye for business, which started already during her studies when she started a company. She stepped into the management role early on and has already managed to build up new business areas within several companies.

Where complex regulations and tricky issues are often a challenge, this year's young real estate woman contributes to making the tricky understandable and commercially useful. She sees that sustainability is not only a necessity but a business opportunity.


For this year's young real estate woman, there is only one way – forward!


The Young Swedish Woman in Real Estate of the Year is Amanda Tevell, CEO of Hifab Advisory and Deputy CEO of Hifab Group."


There was one lucky winner who received the prize at the Grand Hotel in Stockholm.

"It feels great. I feel so happy," she says.

How did it feel to hear the jury's reasoning?

"It was great. It was fun that they highlighted the business aspect and how it is connected with sustainability issues – it felt very apt."

What does this award mean for your future career?

"It means a lot. It will be another recognition that you are part of the industry at large and that you are involved and influencing. It feels great to receive a receipt for that."

Last but not least, how are you going to celebrate this?

"We're going to have party at the office with a little art show, so I'm going to join there and celebrate with my colleagues."