It will be a talent within our own ranks who will in future be at the head of Portfolio Management in DEAS. The 35-year-old Mark Safir Nielsen has thus been internally recruited as a new director in the department, where he will henceforth be responsible for the department's employees as well as the development and operation of the department.


An important focal point for Mark Safir Nielsen will initially be to take care of the relations with the investors and also to identify the potential for developing the collaboration.

"I am incredibly proud to be appointed Director for Portfolio Management at DEAS. In my new role, I will continue to strengthen our core business within administration, operation and leasing. In addition, we will intensify the collaboration with our customers to get closer their strategies within sustainability, EU taxonomy and certifications. We must not only ensure that the daily work runs smoothly, but also be our customers' closest advisor," says Mark Safir Nielsen, Director, Portfolio Management, DEAS A/S.


Mark Safir Nielsen was first employed at DEAS in 2017 as a property administrator and has since held changing positions within portfolio management until today.

"Mark has a solid commercial mindset, which combined with his deep knowledge of the business and good collaboration skills make him a natural choice for the role of Director for Portfolio Management. I am convinced that he - together with the talented employees in the department - will to succeed in the role," says Steen Amstrup, CEO.