The issue price is 3.5 percent lower than the volume-weighted average price for the common stock during the last ten trading days (SEK 9.95 kroner, EUR 0.91 ) and 6.8 percent below the closing price on July 17. The issue was carried out through an accelerated bookbuilding procedure carried out by Nordea, SEB and Swedbank.


The new issue is carried out in two tranches, a current one that has been approved by the board and an upcoming one that requires an extra general meeting.


M2 Asset Management, which is controlled by CEO Rutger Arnhult, and Gårdarike, which is owned by Urban Terling, subscribe in the second tranche, which the general meeting must approve. An extra meeting is expected to hammer through that tranche around August 14.


The first tranche is subscribed by existing and new Swedish and institutional investors such as Alcur Fonder, Handelsbanken Fonder and Länsförsäkringar Fondförvaltning.


Corem justifies the decision with the issue by saying that it wants to further strengthen the property company's financial flexibility and reduce interest costs