NCC Sells Share of Finnish Project Company to Citycon

Finland Finland — NCC has sold its share of the Matinkylä Shopping Center project in Espoo, Finland, to its business partner Citycon. The purchase price for NCC’s portion of the jointly owned project company is approximately SEK 750 M (€79 M).

NCC to Construct Green Office Building for Fabege for Nearly €90 M

Sweden Sweden — NCC has been commissioned by Fabege AB to construct a 40,000-square meter office building next to Arenastaden in Solna, Sweden. The office building will be BREEAM Excellent certified and have ICA as the largest tenant. The order is worth SEK 830 million (nearly €90 M).

NCC to Build Rental Units for Magnolia Bostad

Sweden Sweden — NCC has been commissioned by Magnolia Bostad to build 454 rental units in central Uppsala, in the Senapsfabriken 2 property block. The order is valued at MSEK 443 (€48M).

NCC Constructs Zenit’s Final Phase in Aarhus

Denmark Denmark — NCC has started the third phase of the office project Zenit Company House in Aarhus, Denmark.

Sponda Sell Land Areas in Helsinki Metropolitan Area

Finland Finland — Property investment company Sponda Plc has sold land areas in the Vermo district of Espoo, to Etera Mutual Personal Insurance Company and Suomen Asunnot ja Tontit I Ky. The purchase price was about EUR 23.2 million.

NCC Builds Laboratory at Aarhus University

Denmark Denmark — The new building in Aarhus, Denmark, houses both laboratories for medical research and teaching. The total contract sum amounts to approximately €23 M.

NCC Sells Office Project in Stockholm for €170 M

Sweden Sweden — NCC is selling the Torsplan 2 office property in Hagastaden, Stockholm, and is simultaneously signing a contract to acquire an office property in Solna Business Park. The counterparty in the transaction is Fastighets AB Brostaden. The sale of Torsplan 2 will be carried out in the form of a company transaction at a value of approximately SEK 1.6 billion (€170 M).

NCC Plans to Distribute NCC Housing in 2016

Sweden Sweden — NCC, listed on Nasdaq Stockholm, is planning to distribute NCC Housing to shareholders in 2016 in accordance with the rules of Lex ASEA. In the event of a spin-off, NCC’s shareholders will receive shares in the new housing development company instead of cash dividends.

NCC Develops New Quarter in Oslo

Norway Norway — NCC purchases a blank area at Valle Hovin in Helsfyr in Oslo to develop commercial properties encompassing approximately 60,000 sqm office area.

NCC Wins Order in Turku From University Properties of Finland

Finland Finland — NCC is to build a new combined school, research, and hospital building in Turku for University Properties of Finland. The order is worth SEK 560 million (€60M).

NCC and Undervisningsbygg Oslo builds Norways most energy efficient school

Norway Norway — Brynseng school will be a pilot project on how to build a school that provides most of the energy needed itself, by solar panels and heat from the ground.

NCC Reorganizing as Part of New Growth Strategy

Sweden Sweden — During the autumn, NCC will present a new strategy for the next five years that includes an increased focus on growth in the areas of construction and civil engineering in the Nordic region. Accordingly, the Board of NCC has decided on a new organization. In addition, the Board has tasked the management with investigating the possibility of creating an independent, stock market listed, residential development company based on the existing NCC Housing business area.

Groundbreaking for Mölndal Galleria and the new City Centre

Sweden Sweden — The groundbreaking for the new Mölndal Galleria and the transformation of Mölndal’s city centre took place 27 August in a ceremony held on the construction site. The event was jointly organised by Citycon, NCC, Riksbyggen and MölndalsBostäder, the four companies investing in the renewal of Mölndal city centre.

NCC to Build Schools in Mäntsälä

Finland Finland — Mäntsälä Municipality signs a life cycle agreement with NCC. The contract has av total value of € 64,77 M and encompasses the construction and maintenance of schools in Mäntsälä.

Citycon to Start the Development of Mölndal Galleria in Gothenburg

Sweden Sweden — Citycon and NCC take the next step with the development of the new shopping centre Mölndal Galleria. The investment project will begin its construction phase in August now that the zoning has gained legal force.

NCC to Divest Logistics Project in Brunna

Sweden Sweden — NCC is to divest the Hälsobrunnen logistics project in Brunna Logistics Park for SEK 127 million (€13.5 M). The buyer is Aberdeen Asset Management.

NCC to Expand Södersjukhuset

Sweden Sweden — NCC has been commissioned by Locum to expand the Södersjukhuset Hospital in Stockholm by adding a new treatment center and an operation and maintenance building. The order is worth about SEK 1 billion (€108 M).

Sato Purchases in Turku

Finland Finland — Sato has bought 77 rental homes in the centre of Turku from the Turku University Foundation and 54 rental homes to be completed in the Länsikeskus area in late summer 2016 from NCC. The investments amounts to approximately €20 M.

NCC to Build Housing at Islands Brygge in Copenhagen

Denmark Denmark — NCC has been commissioned to build housing at Islands Brygge in Copenhagen on behalf of the Danish pension fund, Pension Danmark. The order is worth MSEK 360 (€39M).

PKA Pension Purchases in Denmark

Denmark Denmark — NCC divests Zenit Company house 2 in Aarhus to PKA Pension for a total of approximately MSEK 150.

NCC Plans 50,000 sqm Office in Stockholm

Sweden Sweden — NCC had contracted to build 50,000 sqm offices for Telia Sonera at west Kungsholmen in Stockholm. The deal broke since NCC didn’t receive the necessary official decisions on time. NCC now plans on continuing the plan with a large office construction in the same place.